Next deadlines
Tax deadlines in San Marino
Past deadlines
Before January 31st
Payment of 3% tax on services rendered to private individuals(period July - December)
Before January 31st
Payment of annual Trust registration fee € 250(Art.9 Law 17th March 2005 n.38)
Before January 31st
Payment of tax on insurance 4th Quarter previous year(Law 150/2012 and Decree 89/2013))
Before February 28th
Payment of 50 Euro tax (for fiduciary companies) on existing "fiduciary agreement",signed in the previous years
(art. 38 L.172/2004)
Before February 28th
Payment of tax on "banking activity"(art. 40 L.172/2004 - art. 53 L.168/2009)
Before February 28th
Payment of withholding tax and tax on commissions and advertising related toNovember-December of the previous year
Before March 31st
Payment of "company licence tax"Before April 30th
Payment of tax on insurance 1st Quarter(Law 150/2012 and Decree 89/2013)
Before April 30th
Delivery of shops "updated price list" to Industry OfficeBefore April 30th
Payment of withholding tax and tax on commissions and advertising related to January-FebruaryBefore April 30th
Payment of "minimum tax"(art.160 Law 166/2013)
Before May 7th
Deposit of Financial Statement andbalance sheet of the previous financial year
(art. 83 L.47/2006)
Before May 31st
Deadline for the pproval of balance sheet and financial statement of the previous year(art. 84 L.47/2006)
Before June 30th
Submission of "company declaration of tax on internal services"Before June 30th
Payment of withholding tax and tax on commissions and advertising related toMarch-April
Before June 30th
Submission of "company income tax return" relatedto the previous financial year
Before June 30th
Submission of "declaration of company's withholding agent"related to the previous financial year
Before June 30th
Submission of "company declaration of tax on commissions"Before June 30th
Payment of corporate tax (balance pevious year)Before June 30th
Submission of "declaration for the refunding of import tax" (monofase)(Decreto 163/2004) Law 189-2015
Before July 31st
Payment of 3% tax on services rendered to private individuals(period January - June)
Before January 31st
Payment of tax on insurance 2nd Quarter(Law 150/2012 and Decree 89/2013)
Before July 31st
First deposit "Corporate Tax" related to the present financial yearBefore August 31st
Submission of previous year company's balance sheetto the chamber of commerce in electronic format
Before August 31st
payment of withholding tax and tax on commissions and advertisingrelated to May-June
Before January 31st
Payment of tax on insurance 3th Quarter(Law 150/2012 and Decree 89/2013))
Before October 31st
payment of withholding tax and tax on commissions and asvertisingrelated to July-August
Before November 30th
Second deposit "corporate tax" current financial yearBefore December 31st
Payment withholding tax and tax on commissions and advertisingrelated to September-October